On July 17th, 2007, our Horizon group joined together to celebrate their successes. We as a whole have been involved with the Horizon Project for nine months.
Back in October of 2006, five local residents went to the Horizon Spotlight. At the Spotlight presented by Washington State University Extension, the instructors developed small classes to educate small rural communities about the diverse effects of poverty.
“The Horizons program is about the changes a community can make to move from poverty to hope, from population and economic decline to prosperity. This initiative is for rural communities of fewer than 5,000 and with poverty rates of at least 10 percent”, explains the WSU website.
Klickitat is one of 23 communitiues in the State of Washington who have been participating in the Project and whom have set small goals that we have accomplished.
We have completed the Study Circles and the LeadershipPlenty Curriculum. And we owe it to everyone who has participated and all of Klickitat who have a great love for our community. It all takes love, pride, commitment and a vision for Klickitat to strive for prosperity.
Klickitat has accomplished the Klickitat Community Horizon Newsletter, in fact, the group has published five volumes and it is improving every edition. The copying has been very important and we couldn’t have done it without the Klickitat County EDA. Personalizing the touch in Klickitat, individuals express the importance of hand delivering the newsletters to every resident in walking distance.
You to can get involved with the Klickitat Horizon Project, the Community Visioning Phase will begin in August with a survey to all Klickitat residents. Please fill it out and return it.
Keep a look out for signs for the next upcoming meeting. We hope to see you there!