Klickitat's Community Newsletter the Horizon's has been an action item since the Study Circle's of March back in 2007. Our first Newsletter was hand-delivered for that personal one-on-one connection to our community neighbors in April of 2007.
We have partnered with the Klickitat County E.D.A. to make all copies and we are very greatful for their support. Allie Spino drives 30minutes to Goldendale were the Klickitat County EDA is located to drop off the draft and returns to Klickitat waiting for the okay to pick-up the finished newsletters. Once she returns home she connects with Renee Kessinger, Debbie Pyle, Laura Bales, Judy Lamping, Rhonda Vogt and a few spouses along the way and the folding begins. Each news crew member then carries out bundles of newsletter to deliver to the whole community.
Starting with around 250 copies we have increased to around 570 copies and now are getting past community members responding to the publications as well as writing memory articles of their own and saying thank you!
So in return..."Thank You to all for this opportunity it has been really rewarding connecting with everyone who cares about our rural town in Klickitat, Washington!"